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BD Bactec MGIT

BD is the undisputed world leader in mycobacteriology. The BD BACTEC™MGIT™automated mycobacterial detection system is a fully automated solution for mycobacterial liquid culture and susceptibility testingThe MGIT System combines quality and reliability with the technology used in the MGIT (Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube) System.Safe and efficient onboard incubation is enabled which eliminates sharps and the need to handle or transfer tubes once the system is loaded, reducing labour requirements while adding a layer of operator safety. The optional BD Synapsys informatics solution performs statistical analysis and accommodates different customer preferences. It also provides simple specimen tracking along with a flexible and dynamic reporting system for more in-depth data management needs. In addition BD offers several antimicrobials for mycobacterial susceptibility testing, including the SIRE drugs and PZA.

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