Tissue Processors, Stainer’s & Coverslippers

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Tissue processing is the foundation to producing reliable results in the Histology laboratory. Epredia tissue processing solutions are designed to efficiently produce high quality paraffin blocks that enable Pathologists to make an accurate diagnosis.

Coverslipping can be a tedious task in your laboratory. Epredia offer you the possibility of experiencing intuitive efficiency with two innovative systems. The ClearVue coverslipper offers walk-away capability and automated coverslipping technologies. The CTM6 cover slipper has the power to coverslip hundreds of slides per hour.

Epredia’s histology and cytology stains produce consistent, clear results for hospitals, cancer centers. Innovative staining instruments are designed to save on space and offer automatic optimization of staining routines. Conduct manual staining procedures with our wide selection of staining racks and accessories.

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